Friday, April 19, 2019

The Spurious Easter of 1890

On the morning of Easter 1890 the son of a Belgian confectioner built a two meter tall Lapin Bonbon. Unfortunately, a bratty German boy tried to steal the giant marshmallow creation screeching, “Der Süßigkeiten Hase ist mein Freund.” The marshmallow bunny suddenly came to life, picked up the German boy, and clomped of through the village.

Lapin Bonbon ran to the home of an old witch in the nearby forest where he reveled that he was not French or German. Lapin Bonbon was really the Great Finnish Karkkia Pupu! The German boy leaped from the marshmallow bunny’s arms, and escaped.
To this day Germans refuse to eat marshmallow bunnys on Easter exclaiming they are, “Pupu!”