Spurious Nib#116
Handy & Lorna Shiner won the 1867 Summer Solstice Awkward Dancing Award
Spurious Ad Nib
Please Note: The Proper Nomenclature & Exact Pronunciation Society will meet at the L’homme Parle Hall located at the south end of Boleslao University on the 25th at 7:30pm. The lecture is entitled, The Proper Correction of Clergy During Sacred Readings, will be provided by Virginia Schrillen.
Spurious Nib#490
In 1897 Radcliff (aka Raddy) & Elbert (aka Kevin) Phelps (of Oxlip, MN) became the first Americans convicted of grand theft auto. Raddy and Kevin spied Mr. B. G. Velhelm starting his new Stanley Steamer Motor Carriage, pushed him aside and tried to drive away. Unfortunately, Raddy did not know where to feed the charcoal briquettes. An argument ensued between the two brothers, the motor carriage stalled and that allowed time for their arrest!
Spurious Nib#97
The masked, heroic character Zorro was based on a young man named Wilbur Wentworth. It is true that Wilbur was not Spanish but he was known to don a mask, mount his penny-farthing, yell, "Whammo!" and swoosh his pen knife in a "W" shape.