Thursday, May 11, 2017

Special Edition: Happy Fishing Opener & Happy Mother's Day

Spurious Nib #52

Torvald Squit taught his pet codfish
Lewis to spit on command.

Spurious Nib #18
Mrs. Melba Swink, mother of twelve, invented the cha-cha while sweeping her kitchen in 1919.

Spurious Nib #94

Vladlmir Sergei was the last Soviet to hold the record for gutting and wrapping a fish in newsprint.

Spurious Nib #103
In 1901 Mrs. Renate Groot successfully instructed her children not to make noise till after her first cup of coffee. To this day Dutch mother's still revere the name Renate Groot.

Spurious Nib #73

Mrs. Harlean Teal of Shoulderbone, Georgia adopted nine month old septuplet leprechauns and raised them as if they were her own flesh and blood.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Spurious History

Theban monarch, Mentuhotep 
insisted his wife Neferu 
bring him a bowl of ice-cream 
before he would hold court.